Winter ForestA Devotional for Holda

Winter Forest is a collection of rituals, poems, recipes, crafts, stories, prayers, and experiences with the goddess Holda/Pertcha. She is the Germanic goddess of both the winter wilderness and the domestic household. It is my hope that this book will give readers a closer connection to her and gain wisdom throughout these pages. (118 pages, 6"x9")
DuergarbokThe Dwarves of the Northern Tradition

The Duergarbok offers a contemporary perspective on the master artisans of Norse and Germanic lore, the Duergar or Dwarves, magical artisans credited with the creation of such notable objects as Odin's spear Gungnir, Thor's hammer Mjollnir, and Freyja's glorious necklace, Brisingamen. In addition to offering a broad overview of this reclusive race, the author shares the encounters and experiences of a variety of modern Northern Tradition spirit workers who have found the Duergar to be wise and worthy teachers, offering practical guidance to those who would seek to cultivate a mutually respectful relationship with these remarkable folk. (180 pages, 6"x9")
Between Wind And WaterA Devotional For Njord

Njord (pronounced 'nyawrd') is a God of the Norse pantheon and the King of Vanaheim, one of the Nine Worlds seated on the tree Yggdrasil. Yet in many of the modern practices of this tradition, He is not mentioned as often as His station might cause one to think. In the interest of changing that, this collection shares the broad range of devotional potential with Njord through the stories, research, rituals, poetry, music, and recipes of some of the people currently honoring him. (108 pages, 6"x9")
Playing With FireAn Exploration of Loki Laufeyjarson

Everyone knows the Norse god Loki, or at least they think they do: He is the god of mischief, the trickster, the troublemaker of Asgard. To some, he is a destructive force to be defeated or restrained. To others, he is an amusing prankster, a friend, and an ally. Love him or hate him, he's impossible to ignore. But is there more to Loki, or have we only scratched the surface? Playing With Fire is part historical exploration, part heartfelt devotional, written from the perspective of a devotee who has walked with this often misunderstood deity for over two decades. Go deeper with Loki and be surprised. Go all the way, and be transformed. (288 pages, 6"x9")
Listening for Their Voices

Collected between these two covers is a wealth of poetry born from divine inspiration, spanning two decades of the author's life: tales of the gods and goddesses of multiple pantheons, songs of nature and of the ancestors that came before us, prayers, private conversations with a myriad of deities, praise for the deeds of great heroes, and verses of love, adoration, and gratitude. Come explore these pages and join with the author in a celebration of the gods and spirits that give our lives meaning. (220 pages, 6"x9")
Fire JewelA Devotional for Freyja

Freyja, the ancient Norse Goddess of love, fertility, and sorcery is one of the most popular deities of modern Norse religious traditions, and yet there is a dearth of devotional material dedicated to her. This collection of writings hopes to remedy that problem. Here you will find poems, prayers, rituals, songs, and more in praise of the goddess in her various aspects. To some, she is a goddess of love, others speak of her as sorceress and seidr-worker, some see her as the goddess who mourns for her absent husband, others as a mighty warrior, still others as her father's daughter shining upon the sea. She is all of these things, and more. She is the Goddess who wears Brisingamen, the Fire Jewel, the most beautiful necklace in the world – and knows that she is worthy of its gift. (116 pages, 6"x9")
WhollyA Devotional for Hela

Hela, the Norse/Germanic goddess of Death and the Underworld, has long been a mysterious figure in northern Paganism. In Wholly, Her devotee Dagian Madir gives us entry into Her shadowed world, a place of beauty, terror, transformation, and love. With poetry and essays from a variety of those who love and work with this quiet and dark Lady, Wholly is an offering from open hearts who do not fear to look upon the sacredness of the end of the cycle. Welcome into the darkness, and the deep world of wisdom to be found there. (151 pages, 6"x9")
A Gift Of MaggotsA Devotional For Baphomet

Baphomet is a controversial deity. No one seems to know whether he existed in ancient times, or appeared in the early medieval era, or something else entirely. In spite of all this mystery, he has a small following of worshipers who find inspiration and challenge in the track of his hoofprints. One of these is devotee Ruth Addams, who has compiled the results of her devotion, and that of many others, in A Gift Of Maggots. This is everything that you ever wanted -- and perhaps never wanted -- to know about Baphomet. It will give you more than you expected, and be an opening onto the Mysteries for the seeker of transformation. (158 pages, 6"x9")
Honey, Grain, and GoldA Devotional For Frey

The honey of love and passion, the grain of the sacrificed god who dies so that all may live, and the gold of Light breaking through the darkness ... these are the signifiers of Frey, the Norse/Germanic Vanir god of agriculture, love, marriage, sacrifice, peacemaking, and joy. Joshua Tenpenny's anthology for Frey is a collection of offerings from those who love the Golden One -- poetry, ritual, and deeply personal prose that delves into the dark places where Frey shines his welcome light. (250 pages, 6"x9")
Your Luminous Self

Your Luminous Self is one of the life-works of elder witch Penny Novack, a collection of poetry celebrating the Goddesses, the Self and Soul, the Cosmos itself. "The evidence of divine inspiration, of her intimate access to her Muse, shows in every poem Penny Novack writes. To celebrate such talent and skill in our midst -- What a joy! What a pleasure!" -M. Macha Nightmare, P&W. About the Author: Penny entered into service to the Goddess and Witchcraft in 1969 and she and her life-mate, Michael, began organising Pagan festival events in 1972. In the years since her twelfth birthday when she first entered into her spiritual search, she has studied and enjoyed numerous spiritual paths. The Goddess is not her jailer but the vast Mystery to be found in every sacred event. (84 pages, 6"x9")
Shadow Gods and Black Fire

The scent of pine, the crackle of snow, the pounding of waves against the surf... Andrew Gyll's poetry for the ancient Norse Gods, and for his own spirit ancestors, brings us back into a world of beauty and mystery. Unknown depths open up before us, around us, inside us as the Gods speak. Listen to their words, and wonder. (96 pages, 6"x9")
Dancing In Moonlight
Understanding Artemis Through Celebration

Dancing in Moonlight is a full year of rituals, celebrations, and devotions for the Hellenic goddess Artemis. Groups and solitaries alike will find a new understanding of Artemis in these pages. (142 pages, 6"x9")
Trickster, My BelovedPoems for Laufey’s Son

Loki is both loved and hated by various followers of the Northern Traditions. Despite his unpopularity with some heathens, the number of his worshipers grows every year. This collection of twenty-seven poems, written by a dedicated Loki's-woman, portrays some common and uncommon aspects of his character, his relationships to other deities, and how a relationship with this most misunderstood Norse god may be as deeply fulfilling and meaningful as it may sometimes be nerve-wracking. (66 pages, 6"x9")