Ingvis Blessing
Prayers and Charms for Field and Farm

Our ancestors worshiped the powers of the Earth -- fertility, harvest, sun, rain, oceans and rivers, field and forest -- because they worked with the Earth every day for their sustenance. With Ingvi's Blessing: Prayers and Charms for Field and Farm, Geordie Ingerson gives us a wealth of prayers dedicated to those who still make their sustenance directly from the land. As a worshiper of the Norse/Germanic Vanir gods of agriculture, and a smallholder himself, he writes about a lived tradition of reverence for food and labour, field and stream, craft and cooking, and the turning of the year. (137 pages, 6"x9")
Hymns From The TempleA Hellenic Book of Prayer

Bringing together some of her best hymns to the Gods of Hellas, Lykeia proudly produces this volume in honor and tribute to the Deathless Ones. It comprises hymns to the Olympian Gods, to Persephone and Dionysos, the Titans, and other gods in Hellenismos in order to foster an expansion of modern poetic work to incorporate into our daily prayers and rituals. These hymns are intended to be used in celebration of our daily life, and in the greater rituals throughout the year for all who love the Gods. Lykeia is a priestess of Apollon and a resident of Anchorage, Alaska. She has written over 300 spiritual poems, and created over a dozen pieces of devotional artwork for the gods. (171 pages, 6"x9")
Be Thou My Hearth and Shield
A Book of Northern-Tradition Prayer

Whether one is part of a group or worships alone, prayer is at the heart of religious practice, including that of the Northern religious traditions. This compilation of prayers for various purposes and deities is meant for both solitary and group use, and represents the work of many different Heathens and Pagans. Whether you are a long-time member of a modern Norse or Germanic faith or are just becoming familiar with one, let this book help you to grow closer to the Gods and inspire you to write your own words of praise or petition. (172 pages, 6"x9")
Blessings and Invocations for Everyday Life

Blessings and Invocations for Everyday Life is for people who are looking to bring the sacred into their everyday life. It is easily accessible for the beginner, but equally useful to the more seasoned traveller who may be looking for fresh ideas. Within its pages, you will find ways to honour and celebrate every day of the week and every room in the house, as well as the special events, festivals and challenges which occur in the course of everyone's life. This book does not provide a dogma, nor does it require allegiance to any particular belief system; all you need is an open mind, and the belief that you can find the sacred in every area of life, and that the Divine can be revealed in many aspects and under many names. Our journey on this Earth is a sacred one, and that in itself is something to celebrate, every day of our lives! (96 pages, 6"x9")
The Pagan Book of HoursBreviary

The Pagan Book of Hours was designed by Neo-Pagans drawn to monasticism who wanted a liturgy of spiritual discipline in their lives. This Breviary can be used for any Pagan group that wants a regular daily liturgy, or any Pagan who needs a quick ritual for a given day or deity. The Pagan Book of Hours contains a full-year calendar of twice-daily rituals, based on the lore of many different ancient cultures, as well as information about a daily regimen of Hours to follow. The complete text of all the rituals is freely available on the Pagan Book Of Hours Website. (506 pages, 8.5"x11")
Book of Hours Congregational

Pagan Book of Hours Congregational is printed as a supplement to the Breviary, so folks don't have to continually photocopy pages for participants or buy ten breviaries. The Congregational contains only the text for the rituals from the Breviary that have Call-and-Response sections, or other sections which are to be read aloud by participants, as well as the words for the chants. (95 pages, 8.5"x11")
Book of Hours CongregationalLARGE PRINT

Pagan Book of Hours Congregational is now available in a large print edition. It is printed in a 20-point font. Please check the preview for a sample page. The Congregational contains only the text for the rituals from the Breviary that have Call-and-Response sections, or other sections which are to be read aloud by participants, as well as the words for the chants. A full large-print Breviary will be available at some point in the future. Please contact us for more information. (162 pages, 8.5"x11")